The Wedding at Cana

Second Sunday after Epiphany 

John 2: 1-11

The Wedding at Cana 

The first miracle Christ performed was turning water into wine at a wedding feast.  Mary perceived that the bride and groom were out of wine at their wedding feast, and brought the problem to her Son. In complete faith to Jesus, Mary turned to the servants and told them to do whatever He asked. Mary, in her quiet way, shows us the importance of complete faith and obedience. When we pray the rosary, we ask Mary for her intercession, for her to pray for us and bring our prayers to her Son, much like she brought the plight of the bride and groom to Jesus!

There is significance in the time and place of Christ’s first miracle. He performed this miracle at a wedding feast, confirming that marriage in the Church is a sacrament. He is present in our marriages, and he will pour grace on our marriage if we let Him. 

God wants to pour abundant grace on marriage, and to receive that abundant grace, we need to be obedient to God. We need to keep Him at the center of our marriage, be obedient and faithful to Him and His will for us, and trust in Him. There is incredible grace in marriage if we’re open to those graces, if we hold out our cup for the sweet wine He pours!

As I prepare for my own wedding this year, I think about this Scripture passage and know God wants us to have holy, joyous marriages. I know that he will give us all the graces we need in the sacrament of matrimony, if we do our part.

The missal in these photos is the Fr Lasance New Roman Missal.